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What we do

Projects we support

Project of the Month - Broadband for Jos, Nigeria

The Jos HQ of ACTS, Nigeria relies on mobile G4 data internet. This is expensive and unreliable, hindering efficiency and development of the work across Nigeria. We want to install a Satellite based Broadband service and 2 years monthly subscriptions and are asking for your help to raise the £4,200 needed for this.

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Reliable, High-Speed Internet is essential

Our friends in ACTS Nigeria need a reliable, cost-effective internet service for communications such as online meetings with remote contacts and to maintain computers properly (no more interrupted online updates leading to computer breakdowns) not to mention point of sale equipment.

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How to donate - Jos Broadband

Jos Broadband Donations Link

This is a link to a donations page set up specifically for gifts towards the Broadband for Jos project. You can of course use any of the existing ways to donate – but please send us details on the contact page so we know to allocate it appropriately.

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Other Projects

Any donations received, not earmarked for the Jos Broadband project will be allocated to other projects all of which share the same goal – to get more good books and Bibles into the hands of our African brothers and sisters.

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How does my money help?

Below is a list of what we urgently need help with. Click the read more button to learn about the 3 areas.


New Locations

IT and Internet

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ACTS International
c/o UFM Worldwide, The Breda Centre, 14 Glencregagh Court,
Belfast, County Antrim, BT6 0PA

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